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UI Work Search Requirements

Workers filing for regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits must actively seek and report timely a required number of work searches, starting with the week in which a claim is filed, unless instructed otherwise.

How many work search contacts to report for each week claimed

TWO (2) work search contacts must be reported when:
the worker lives in Alaska and is within 55 road miles of a job center; or
resides in another state, Canada, Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.

ONE (1) work search contact must be reported when:
the worker lives more than 55 road miles from the nearest job center in rural Alaska.

Information required for a valid work search report

A worker must contact an employer or a person with the authority to hire, who may reasonably be expected to have job openings suitable to that worker’s skills and training, using the appropriate method of contact for that employer and industry.

Each work search report must include:

  • Date the worker contacted the employer;
  • Name of the employer;
  • Method used to contact the employer; and
  • Employer's phone number, mailing address, website or email address

A work search log is available for record keeping at

A valid work search contact does not include: contact the job center office unless that is the method the employer has requested, contact with a private employment agency where a fee is charged; or a call to the UI Claim Center.

Failure to report the required number of valid work search contacts will lead to benefits being denied, which could result in establishing an over payment. Work search contact information may be audited.