Unemployment Insurance Benefit Payment Control Unit (Bpc)
BPC is federally mandated to protect the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund by preventing, discouraging, detecting, investigating, and recovering unemployment insurance benefit overpayments. BPC consists of two units, Fraud Investigations and Audit and Recovery.
The Audit and Recovery Unit, or A&R, conducts quarterly wage cross-match audits of UI claims and handles all collection activities to recover overpaid unemployment insurance benefits. A&R process payments that come in each day and reconciles overpayment accounts; fields calls from individuals regarding overpayments, and assists employers with questions on the wage earnings audits sent to employers each calendar quarter. The A&R unit maintains all records for BPC.
What is an overpayment?
An overpayment is the receipt of more UI benefit money or credit than the individual is eligible to receive. Some common causes of overpayments are: decisions made by claims representatives or claim auditors regarding an existing UI claim; removal of dependent allowance; corrected deductible income; monetary decisions from wage corrections; and appeal decisions.
How will I know the balance of my overpayment?
Monthly statements are sent to all individuals with an overpayment balance. After the account is paid in full, one more statement is sent showing that the overpayment account has a zero balance.
What is a Notice of Overpayment Liability and what should I do if I receive one?
When an overpayment is established or redetermined, our system automatically generates a dated Determination of Liability and Overpayment Summary which is mailed to you. It is important to review this document completely and contact Audit and Recovery at (888) 810-6789 if you have any questions. It is also important to remember that you have 30 days from the date of the mailing to appeal the Notice of Liability. The reverse side of the Notice explains repayment, waiver and appeal provisions.
Can I request a waiver of my overpayment liability?
You have 30 days from the date the liability notice was mailed to you to request a waiver. Upon request, an application will be sent to you for completion. A specialist will review the application and issue a determination allowing or denying the waiver request. This Overpayment Waiver Application is a fillable PDF that you can complete online. Once the application is completed you will need to print it and return it by mail, fax or email using the contact information at the top of the application.
What is "benefit offset?"
If an overpayment has been established for an ongoing claim, current and future benefit payments will be used to offset the overpayment. (This includes any weeks recalculated that yield entitlement.) The individual is notified of this offset by a letter or check stub message. Usually, benefits cannot be used to offset penalty amounts due (if any), only overpayment of UI benefits.
When benefits are paid incorrectly, is it always due to fraud?
No. A person can receive excessive benefits due to employer reporting error or oversight.
What is an audit summary?
An audit summary is a weekly comparison of wage information reported by employer(s). Since it is the basis for many fraud determinations, it is very important that the information on the summary is accurate. The summary is included with notification letters to the employer and individual to provide opportunity to review all documents used as a basis for the comparison.
How do I make payments on my overpayment?
You can repay overpayments by calling (888) 810-6789 and providing a debit/credit card.
Or send a check or money order to:
DOLWD/Employment and Training Services
Audit and Recovery, BPC
P.O. Box 115509
Juneau, AK 99811-5509
You may also make in-person payments in the Anchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks offices. Please contact the office before making an in-person payment.
Is it possible to make monthly payments?
Audit & Recovery makes every effort to try to accommodate someone who is willing to make regular payments. A representative will send you an Agreement to Reimburse that spells out the terms of the agreement and gives you a record of how you have agreed to repay the debt. This form must be signed, notarized and returned to the Audit & Recovery Unit.
Can I assign my PFD to repay my overpayment?
Voluntary assignment of all or part of your PFD is a practical repayment option. Contact Audit & Recovery at (888) 810-6789 to get more information. A specialist will send you an Assignment of Rights to return.