Workers' Compensation Appeals Commission
Andrew M. Hemenway, Chair pro tempore
The Alaska Workers’ Compensation Appeals Commission office is located at 3301 Eagle Street, Suite 305, Anchorage, AK 99503, and is open 8:30 a.m.- noon and 1-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You may also contact the Commission by telephone at (907) 269-6738; facsimile at (907) 269-6737; or email to
- Commission Members
- Appeal Procedures (102 KB PDF - get Acrobat Reader here)
- Includes revised regulations for all Commission procedures - effective date February 4, 2024..
- Final Decisions and Memorandum Decisions
- Summaries of Decisions
- CAUTION: The summaries of the commission’s decisions are provided for the convenience of the users of this website in order to facilitate and expedite legal research of those decisions. The decisions themselves should be consulted for authoritative purposes.
to the Alaska Workers’ Compensation Appeals Commission (Commission). The Commission started hearing appeals of decisions of the Alaska Workers Compensation Board (Board) in cases decided by the Board after Nov. 7, 2005. The Commission hears appeals of final decisions and orders of the Board and considers petitions for review of interlocutory or other non-final decisions or orders of the Board. To learn more about the Commissioners, to view the Commission regulations, and to review copies of the Commission’s decisions, please click on the links above.
Appeals of final decisions and orders of the Board must be filed no later than 30 days after the date that the Board serves on the parties the final decision and order. Appeals are brought by a party in interest against all other parties to the proceedings before the Board. If a petition for reconsideration of a Board’s final decision and order is timely filed with the Board, any proceedings to appeal must be filed with the Commission no later than 30 days after the date that the Board serves on the parties the reconsideration decision and order, or no later than 30 days after the date that the petition for reconsideration is considered denied due to the absence of any Board action, whichever is earlier.
Petitions for review of an interlocutory or other non-final Board decision or order must be filed no later than 15 days after the date that the Board serves on the parties the interlocutory or other non-final decision or order. If a petition for reconsideration of a Board’s interlocutory or other non-final decision or order is timely filed with the Board, any proceedings to petition for review must be filed with the Commission no later than 15 days after the date that the Board serves on the parties the reconsideration decision and order, or no later than 15 days after the date that the petition for reconsideration is considered denied due to the absence of any Board action, whichever is earlier.
If you want to file an appeal of a final decision and order of the Board, and you do not have an attorney to represent you, the Commission has prepared a packet of instructions and forms to assist you. Please click here for options available to you in obtaining an instruction packet for filing an appeal.
If the other side has filed an appeal of a final decision and order of the Board that is in your favor, and you do not have an attorney to represent you, the Commission has prepared a packet of instructions and forms to assist you. Please click here for options available to you in obtaining an instruction packet for responding to an appeal or for filing a cross-appeal. You do not have to file a cross-appeal. Please see the instruction packet for more information.
If you want to file a petition for review of an interlocutory or other non-final decision of the Board, and you do not have an attorney to represent you, the Commission has prepared a packet of instructions and forms to assist you. Please click here for options available to you in obtaining an instruction packet for filing a petition for review.
If the other side has filed a petition for review of an interlocutory or other non-final decision of the Board that is in your favor, and you do not have an attorney to represent you, the petition for review packet of instructions and forms also include instructions for filing an opposition to a petition for review and a cross-petition for review. Please click here for options available to you in obtaining the instruction packet for filing a petition for review, which also includes instructions for filing an opposition to a petition for review and for filing a cross-petition for review. You do not have to file a cross-petition for review. Please see the instruction packet for more information.
All appeal or cross-appeal documents, petition for review documents, and all corresponding documents should be filed at:
Alaska Workers’ Compensation Appeals Commission
3301 Eagle St., Suite 305
Anchorage, AK 99503
A document is considered “filed” on the date the Commission receives the document by 5 p.m. Alaska time. If a document is received after 5 p.m., or on a Saturday, Sunday or state holiday, it will be considered filed on the next regular workday.
Other ways to file documents with the Commission. Fax: you may file documents with the Commission by fax to (907) 269-6737. For appeal documents filed by fax, the first page will be stamped “FILED” with the date and a copy of the stamped page will be faxed back to you.
Email: you may file documents with the Commission electronically by converting them to a “.pdf” file format and attaching the file to an email sent to the clerk’s webmail at For appeal documents filed electronically, a reply will be sent by email to confirm receipt and date filed.
Last updated: March 3, 2025