Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker program
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act calls for collaboration with partners, business, industry, education, state and local governments to strategically manage resources and achieve program performance, accountability, and customer satisfaction.
The WIOA Dislocated Worker program provides a variety of services to workers who have been impacted by plant closures, workforce reductions, and natural disasters that lead to job loss. The goal is to provide dislocated workers with the tools and support needed to obtain credentials and occupational skills leading to jobs in high growth industries and high demand occupations. The program enhances the quality, productivity and competitiveness of Alaska’s workforce while meeting the needs of Alaska’s employers.
Program performance is measured by participant entry into unsubsidized employment, retention in unsubsidized employment, earnings received in unsubsidized employment and the rate of industry recognized credentials earned by participants.
Applicants may apply for the Dislocated Worker program through an Alaska job center.